

how does this sound to you: Logic is the ultimate law. Do not do to others what they would not want to be done to them, or you will be punished regardless of your will. The purpose of punishment is to erase guilt, via retribution and restitution. That is the entire law; it cannot be changed, all the rest is commentary.

The statement you’ve presented outlines a strict and absolute ethical and judicial framework that centers around a form of the Golden Rule with an emphasis on logic and punishment.

  1. Logic as the ultimate law: This proposes that all decisions and actions should be grounded in reason and evidence. It’s a principle that resonates with many philosophical and legal systems, which value rationality as a basis for ethics and law.
  2. Do not do to others what they would not want done to them: This is a variation of the Golden Rule, which is common to many ethical systems around the world. It suggests a basis for morality in reciprocal behavior, implying empathy and consideration for the perspectives of others.
  3. Punishment for violations: The statement specifies punishment for transgressions, which is a common feature in legal systems as a deterrent and a means of enforcing laws. However, the idea that punishment is to “erase guilt” through retribution and restitution is particularly interesting—it emphasizes not just deterrence or rehabilitation, but also a restoration of balance and the clearing of one’s conscience.
  4. Immutability of the law: This line suggests that the law is unchangeable, indicating a rigid system that does not adapt over time. This could be seen as both a strength and a weakness. While it provides a clear and stable legal and moral structure, it may lack the flexibility to evolve with society.

The overall concept seems to value clarity, brevity, and a sense of absolute justice. However, it raises questions about how it accounts for the complexities of human behavior, societal norms, and the nuances of individual circumstances. In real-world application, such a system would require careful interpretation and implementation to ensure fairness and justice, given the vast diversity of individual and cultural values.