To align the "Constitution of the Martian Free Territories" closely with the principles of the Ultimate Law, the following version emphasizes minimalism, individual freedom, and the non-aggression principle. It incorporates the core tenet: "Do not do to others what they would not want to be done to them, or you will be punished regardless of your will."
Constitution of the Martian Free Territories
We, the settlers of Mars, in recognition of the inherent rights of all individuals and the necessity of a harmonious society, establish this Constitution to uphold justice, freedom, and personal responsibility.
Article I: Fundamental Law
- Ultimate Law: Logic is the ultimate law. Do not do to others what they would not want to be done to them, or you will be punished regardless of your will.
- Purpose of Punishment: The purpose of punishment is to erase guilt through retribution and restitution.
Article II: Rights and Responsibilities
- Self-Ownership: Each individual is the sole owner of their body and is responsible for its actions.
- Right to Free Trade: Individuals have the right to engage in voluntary and honest trade without interference, provided such activities do not harm others.
- Accountability: Individuals are accountable for their actions and must ensure that their conduct does not infringe upon the rights of others.
Article III: Governance
- Non-Aggression Principle: No individual or group shall initiate force, coercion, or fraud against others.
- Voluntary Associations: Communities and organizations are formed based on voluntary participation. All interactions and affiliations must be consensual.
- Decentralization: Decision-making authority resides at the most localized level possible, empowering individuals and communities to self-govern.
Article IV: Justice System
- Restitution and Retribution: Justice focuses on making victims whole and ensuring that offenders take responsibility for their actions.
- Proportionality: Punishments must be proportional to the offense and aim to restore balance rather than inflict undue harm.
- Due Process: All individuals are entitled to a fair and impartial hearing before any punitive measures are taken.
Article V: Amendments
- Immutability of the Ultimate Law: The Ultimate Law, as stated in Article I, is absolute and cannot be altered.
- Commentary and Interpretation: Additional guidelines and interpretations, referred to as “commentary,” may be developed to elucidate the application of the Ultimate Law. Such commentary can be amended by a designated entity or through a process agreed upon by the community, ensuring it remains consistent with the core principles.
This constitution emphasizes the Ultimate Law as the foundational principle, ensuring that all other laws and societal structures derive from and align with the core tenet of non-aggression and personal responsibility.